Coating thickness measurement gauges | Tauricon - měřidla, měřící přístroje a stroje

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Coating thickness measurement gauges

Layer thickness gauges enable quality control of the thickness of the surface treatments of many products and materials. Cars, ships, airplanes, industrial components and even mobile phones are coated with a layer of various materials to ensure their protection against corrosion, abrasion and the like. On the other hand, they have to look good. Both aspects are equally important for customers, as design and durability decide the purchase. Discover our high-quality products in the "layer thickness gauges" category, from basic mechanical MikroTest models, through models with smartphone connection to highly accurate universal MiniTest models, all from ElektroPhysik.

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Trenčianska 1279
020 01 Púchov
Slovenská republika

GPS: N 49° 06′ 34.83″, E 18° 19′ 34.92″

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